Tuesday, July 25, 2006

So I'm Not Superman

Well i've given in...i got...i...i got a...a...myspace!

So if anyone can help me work it that would be wonderful!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Horrors of Calculus

I know that all of you think that the horrors of AP Calculus are over once you walk across the stage, but...


Yes, I know that this is my second blog today, but guess who totally just got a five, thats right a 5 (cinco...funf), on the AP Calculus Test...KENDRA!!!

O, ok and...


This is totally one of the best days of my life!
Just thought I would share!


Ok so I saw Cars on the 4th! That has to be one of the funniest movies I have ever seen in all my life! It's great! Like my dad even liked it! If any of yall have not seen it...you MUST! I'm telling you its great!!! I won't tell you anything else because I don't want to ruin it for you, but you must go see it!

Other than that my life has been work, work, oh and more work! Oh except that I know have my official college bedding! Yay! It all cost me $40! Well that is, except for the duvet and pillows...I have to go get those at IKEA! But it was still like freakishly cheap!

I have discovered that I am very much a cheap person! It's fiiiiiiiiine though because since I am going to be a poor college student and won't have any money to spend!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Celebrate Freedom

Just for those of you who don't know... Celebrate Freedom is the coolest concert EVER! I mean Mark Shultz, Jeremy Camp, Chris Tomlin, Mercy Me, and the largest fireworks display in the state of Texas all the the largest FREE outdoor concert in the USA! and most likely in the world cause I don't know of many other places in the world that have Christian concerts period!

Is all!